SEO Consulting

Thursday, December 30, 2010 1 comments
SEO consulting is one of the most important SEO services that we offer our clients. The internet has changed the world forever and re-written the rule book for just about everything to do with modern business.
From smoke signals and jungle drums right up to the telephone and the jumbo jet, the more we make our world a better place to live in, the more we need to keep up with the times.
Gone are the days of fumbling around in the dark with cold calling and direct mail shots.
The corporate landscape has evolved into a completely different animal and it’s time to jump on and grab the bull by the horns …

Search Engine Optimisation (or SEO) is a techno babble term for the way in which companies try to raise the “ranking” of their website so it is featured more prominently on Google, Yahoo, Bing and the other search engines. Even if you are already familiar with the concept, do you really know why you should be concerned about SEO in the first place? By developing your SEO, your rankings in the search engines will improve.  The more relevant and important your website is made to appear to the search engines, then the sooner it will appear in the results displayed to the potential customer who typed in a phrase relevant to your business website. To put it bluntly, next time you use a search engine, whatever is the very first website you see listed, you can be assured that the search engines consider it the most relevant and important.
With us so far but still unsure as to what all the fuss is about?

Consider this:
- the average attention span of an internet user is on a par with a goldfish and can be measured in seconds

Research claims the figure is actually as low as three seconds while that fish in the bowl manages ten. With this in mind, it’s not really that surprising that many internet users will choose between the first five to ten sites they come across after being presented with thousands of different websites whenever they perform a search.
SEO can help you be in that top ten. An effective SEO Consulting campaign can ensure you are number one.
The process itself is an honest appraisal of how effectively your website shapes up compared to your competitors, with the purpose of SEO consulting being to identify the areas in most need of improvement. If it’s done right, your page will achieve a higher ranking and stay there.

There are some cowboys out there though, so while they claim they can tame that bull, they may not even be able to ride a horse or make a noose …
SEO Consulting has suffered some bad press in recent times with many companies offering grossly exaggerated and totally unrealistic targets to their customers. In some cases, the client is left with a severely depleted bank account as they throw good money after bad in an attempt to rectify the half-baked efforts the previous SEO Consulting “experts” managed.

SEO Consulting is one of our specialities, and it is an area that we are proud to say that we excel in and we have client testimonies to back up that bold declaration. With such a strong track record to date and plenty of experience in the field of SEO Consulting, we are confident in our ability to deliver quality results on time, every time and for a long time to come.
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SEO Copywriting

In the specific context of the internet, SEO (search engine optimization) is a service which a webmaster ignores at their own peril because a failure to implement it on any sort of meaningful scale will practically spell the end of their site. This is because they will fail to attract a sufficient level of traffic to sustain their website, thereby meaning that the overheads incurred in relation to the website simply become too great.
Another truism is that: “familiarity breeds contempt” in other words, a saturated level of exposure to a particular thing can lessen its impact and effect upon a person. In the event of a joke, if it is continually repeated and relied upon then the punchline will become stale and tedious to the listener who has heard it so many times before.  In the same way, SEO too has suffered the same fate in that it no longer manages to attract or generate the same level of awe in webmasters as it did when it first came out.
It is important to appreciate that this does not mean that the inherent value or usefulness of SEO has diminished any, rather, it is simply a reflection of how blasé people have now became to the subject as a whole. It seems that it is now SEO Copywriting that rules the roost and it is SEO Copywriting which is the singularly most pressing concern for the vast majority of different webmasters when they are contracting the work out to others.
To the novice, SEO Copywriting and SEO services as a whole are one and one the same and therefore any distinction in price between the two is merely an attempt to con them out of their hard earned cash for no extra value. Nothing could be further from the truth for there is a degree of difference between the two and so it is imperative that the webmaster is actually aware of the distinction between the two so that they may choose the right one for the task at hand.
Specifically, SEO Copywriting refers to the process whereby a sales letter, i.e. a text document which is designed to promote the goods and or services of a particular company. The crucial aspect of SEO Copywriting is that the wording of the sales letter will be written in such a way that the document will be more likely to appear in a variety of different search results submitted by an internet user whenever they use a search engine.
Please note that whilst there is a standardized format for SEO Copywriting in order to achieve maximum exposure and success, SEO Copywriting is far from being an easy task to accomplish or achieve. It requires a significant command of the English language in order to not only persuade the client that they should rely upon the company for whom the sales letter has been drafted for, but in addition to allow for the SEO aspect of the sales letter to be concluded in such a way that it does not appear artificial or forced.
Too many novices try SEO Copywriting  and the results are, quite frankly, an unmitigated disaster. The end result is a document which is heavily reliant upon keywords which means that the natural tone and prose of the document is significantly compromised as well as hindered and it also means that the document fails to win the customer over. Therefore, whilst the technical component of the document has been achieved with success, the academic aspect of the document fails miserably.
At the risk of sounding patronising: if you do not know how to properly achieve SEO Copywriting, then please do not try it. You will end causing yourself more trouble than good, and you will also run the risk of alienating the search engines as well.
Are you looking for a SEO Copywriting service provider who is skilled, experienced and offers extremely competitive pricing for the services that they render? Then look no further than We only rely upon writers who are native English speakers and who actually pride themselves on the quality of their work. Rest assured, there is no need to worry about dud service with us, because our strict quality control means that no mistakes can or will arise.
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Search Engine Optimisaton

Smart SEO Services provide businesses with effective, organic search engine optimisation. What we mean by that is we aim to deliver quality copy with just the right level of keywords and effective link building,  so that the site not only reads naturally to the user, but also maximises the current mechanics behind search engines. We also strive for honesty and real value for money by fairly pricing our services for supplying you with the best SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMISATION expertise on the market.
SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMISATION can be a daunting subject for anyone starting a website for the first time and novice webmasters are often duped by unscrupulous “experts” promising outlandish claims that seem too-good-to-be-true … mainly because they are.
With a fierce demand for good SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMISATION advice, there are a number of fraudulent providers looking to make a quick buck out there. If you’re promised the moon on a stick for a knockdown price, steer clear. Results don’t come overnight. SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMISATION is an organic process that takes a bit of time and patience and like a good garden, you sow the seeds today knowing it will be a while before any green shoots appear. Once they do, the roots of your business will become stronger and you’ll see it grow before your very eyes.
We hear horror stories from some of our clients, telling us of how their previous SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMISATION consultants promised they’d be top of the page by the end of the week, and generally the feeling is that although they knew what they were being offered didn’t ring true, for the price it was available it was worth the punt. In actual fact, you rely on your gut instincts for a reason, namely that they’re usually right, so if you do find you’re not happy with what a particular SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMISATION provider is telling you, just take a moment to reconsider. You might decide to walk away and get a second opinion, or you could ask for client testimonials to check how happy their customers are.
Another good test is to check with your consultant what different methods they intend to use to increase your site’s SEO. Full service search engine optimisation encompasses a wide range of different SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMISATION methods including keyword research, the reworking of existing copy, the creation of blogs and feature articles as well as the strategic use of back linking and press releases … and that’s just a taster of what we can do. There are many more courses of action we can take to systematically and organically realise your website’s full SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMISATION potential.
So, ask yourself: are you getting the full service or just a quick look under the bonnet?At Smart SEO Services all our search engine mechanics are trained specialists with the right tools, training, knowledge and experience for the job and you won’t be told “it’ll be ready next Tuesday” because we will keep you informed every step of the way …
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SEO Web Design

Just think for a moment: would you want to eat in a restaurant which used dirty crockery, where there was dirty dishes left in a massive pile in the corner, and where the napkins were soiled and stained? You would probably take one look at the woeful condition of the place and simply beat a hasty retreat back out the entrance. In other words, the outlay and presentation of the building is what deterred you from relying upon it, and so because the first impression failed miserably, this meant that you were not interested in pursuing the relationship any further.
This is significant because the actual physical design and layout of your website will go a long way towards either impressing or irritating the people who visit your website. If your website happens to feature a whole host of dead links, URLs which take them to websites with offensive/adult content, and contains intrusive as well as extremely obnoxious sound effects which cannot be turned off then it is extremely likely that the customer will simply click and leave your site.
It does not matter how informative your website happens to be, or how wonderful an impact it may have on the quality of their life, in short, if you do not make a positive and solid first impression then you will be on a hiding to nothing.
So far, we have relied upon obviously extremely poor design in order to more readily and effectively convey the message we are trying to get across but the simple truth of the matter is that even an inoffensive website, i.e. one that is generic and bland may also fail to entice the customer and simply force them to click the close button.
A common problem is that many novice webmasters end up over relying upon one of two different extremes. Either they go out of their way to ensure that their website is as user friendly and as easy to use as possible, to the detriment of any sort of SEO work or any alteration of the code. A considerable amount of time is invested in the cosmetic aspects of the website, such as the header, the site graphics, and the methods used for navigating through the various pages.
The other side of the coin is whereby the novice webmaster ends up focusing solely on the nuts and bolts of the site, i.e. going to considerable lengths to ensure that the bricks of the website are working properly and have been duly optimized in order to make sure that they are indeed working as they should. So many novices end up succumbing to the “either or” mentality and this  form of apartheid is neither healthy nor productive.
Oftentimes, it is not a result of laziness on the part of the novice webmaster, but rather, they are trying to play to their strengths. Many webmasters have at least a minor amount of experience in either of these two extremes and upon realising how little they know of the other topic, they try and compensate for this by working zealously away at the topic that they are proficient with.
The problem with this approach is that SEO Web Design requires a balance to be struck between both the coding as well as the marketing aspect of the website and so you need to tick all the right boxes to get a final and happy conclusion.
Put rather simply: people who are graphic wizards often struggle to wrap their heads around the logic of coding, and those who are programming masters will often find it hard to exercise their creativity beyond a compiler and server.
At, we are only all too aware of the different requirements of a website, as well as what a site needs in order for it to attract customers on a routine basis .  We rely upon a very diverse team with a wide range of skills and qualifications the better by which we can safely guarantee that our clients will be able to find the right person for the requirements that they have. We do not believe in settling for second best, relying upon jaded solutions or simply providing an inferior level of service for any of our customers.  We aim to provide only the very best, and that is why so many customers have left extremely satisfied with our commitment to them.
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SEO Keyword Research

The problem with SEO Keyword Research is that there is an awful lot of misinformation floating around meaning that the user is left with a grossly skewered perspective as to what the SEO Keyword Research process involves and requires of them. The novice webmaster ends up relying on second hand information which cannot be verified and they accept that information without question or doubt. The end result is that the webmaster uses keywords that are not as efficient or cost effective as they could or should be and so the webmaster is forever handicapped from point one.
A prime example of this can be found in relation to the top-tier keywords. The way in which keywords operate is that website owners will submit bids for the different keywords and pay a premium for the privilege if they are indeed successful in actually winning the contract. Many novice website owners, who are already operating on a shoestring budget then proceed to submit a bid for these top-tier keywords and significantly overstretch themselves as well as their limited budget to win the word. The problem here is that they have obtained a Pyrrhic victory, in that they have won the battle but will typically lose the war. This is because they do not have the financial resources by which they can retain the usage of the keyword in particular which means that whatever advantage they managed to secure for themselves is short-lived in the extreme.
Another fallacy that the novice website owner will often fall prey to is that they automatically assume that the top tier keywords are the best and will be most likely to generate the greatest amount of traffic simply by virtue of the fact that they are so costly. Instead, in many cases the reason that the top tier keywords are so expensive is that there are so many different people all of whom are eager to claim the right to use the keyword as their exclusive asset and so the high price does not reflect the inherent usefulness, merely the desirability of the keyword.
Therefore, the webmaster may actually receive a better effect overall if they were to rely upon several of the lower-tier keywords over a longer period of time and this is because the competition for them will be significantly reduced and they will be more likely to sustain them for longer.
If you have read thus far and have thought that the keyword research process seems to be a fairly routine and straightforward one, then I regret to tell you that nothing could be further from the truth and it requires a considerable amount of experience and working knowledge to have any measure of final success with the process. You need to know not only what particular keywords you should submit a bid for, you also need to know when you should submit your proposal. Timing your bid can make the difference between you managing to secure the bid for yourself, and failure.
At, we have an intimate understanding of the subtle nuances of the keyword phrase market and we know exactly what we are looking for whenever we actually submit a bid for any of the phrases. Many of the cheap SEO service providers simply pluck the first keyword that they happen to stumble across with nary a thought as to how effective it maybe or how relevant it is. This is bad for the customer because it means that they do not get the quality of service they need, expect or deserve.
Before we make a bid for any potential keyword we always ensure that we do our due diligence beforehand to ensure that you will get the maximum amount of traffic for every dollar spent. We can guarantee you a very healthy and decent ROI (return on investment) and so all you need to do is worry about having enough capital to actually submit the winning bid. We will handle every step of the process for you, from submitting a bid, market research and even the payment for the usage of the keyword you have bid for.
We will also provide you with frequent updates and status reports in order to give you a better appreciation as to what we are doing and why. We will analyse the market conditions currently in effect, and will adjust your bid accordingly so that you are never unduly prejudiced as a result of the process. With us, you can expect quality and professionalism.
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Link Building Services

Linkbuilding has the ability to make or break your website

  • It will significantly improve your site’s search engine ranking
  • You will attract higher volumes of targeted web traffic
  • The additional traffic will be relevant to your site
  • You’ll achieve a higher conversion rate of sales per visit

Linkbuilding can be both laborious and tedious, yet for the webmaster who’s willing to put in the hours of hard work, the dividends can be significant.
There’s a certain amount of mystique about the science behind linkbuilding and though it remains one of the most frustrating methods of SEO, while other techniques will eventually become outdated, linkbuilding by its very nature will always be the cornerstone for future search engine optimisation. Many SEO consultants will touch on it briefly and offer rudimentary linkbuilding services, but in so doing they miss the chance to really lay the foundations for your website’s mid-to-long term success.
As the mechanics behind search engines becomes ever more refined, there is a need for quality links between sites. Many novice linkbuilders will simply flood their websites with anything that seems vaguely relevant and then fail to achieve their aims. They may even be penalised by the search engines, pushing them further down the rankings than before they started the whole process. Quality, not quantity, is the key to linkbuilding so try to avoid the temptation to spam your site in this way.
A sure-fire method to improve your link profile and credibility is to add quality copy to your site on subjects you know you can talk about. Other people will read it and make it a reference point for their own sites, often padding them out with your articles and blogs, meaning more and more users will read it and pass it on again. It’s organic networking at its best and it really works.
Linkbuilding can be tackled in a number of different ways and it is vital that a website owner carefully reviews each different option before deciding which is the most appropriate. Choosing one at random - either due to a lack of expertise or the pressing need to be “doing something” – is both ill advised and ineffective. Such a shot in the dark approach will rarely achieve any lasting success.
At we will explore all the avenues available to maximise the linkbuilding potential of your website, carefully reviewing the aims of the site, working towards your goals with a cost effective and productive approach in keeping with your budget. With our extensive experience of SEO as a whole we are extremely confident in our ability to supply the kind of high quality linkbuilding service that you deserve.
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Professional SEO Services

If you found us using a search engine, you've actively used our services already. Alternatively, if you came to us through a recommendation, we've already delivered on our promise for someone that you know. Think what we could do for your website...
  • We specialise in organic SEO using the Google webmaster guidelines
  • We have years of experience in making websites rank higher
  • We use a targeted range of keywords for your business
  • We are your one stop SEO solution no matter how large or small your busines
Our bespoke SEO campaigns are designed around your business, offering both proven results and real value for money. We have a highly experienced, dynamic team and these are just some of our services:
Web programming - Our developers understand html, php, c#, .net, ajax, flash, java, xhtml, python and ruby and they can handle any website guaranteed.
Link Building – We also understand the ins and outs of search engine response and can attract more and better inbound links to your website.
Social Media Optimisation – An increasingly important factor in the ranking of websites, we can help maximise your business through our expertise with highly targetable sites like Facebook and Twitter.
In addition, we also offer a full service for your website, taking into consideration the following:
* Image optimisation
* News
* Video Optimisation
Smart SEO Services are THE dynamic one-stop solution for keeping your website and your business at the top …

Take a look at some of the SEO case studies in our portfolio
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